Hello all. It's that time of year again, the fourteenth of February. Valentines day. The illustrious day where one showers the object of their affection with love and gifts and chocolate. It's typically a joyous occasion for couples, smiles and kisses everywhere. The sun would be beaming beatifically upon the surroundings, couples hiding in the gentle shade offered by the umbrage of trees. Shades of pink would pepper the visage in the forms of heart-shaped balloons, love cards and flowers. It's a classically romantic image.For me, however, the occasion is bittersweet. On one hand, it grants me the opportunity of a day to celebrate the love i feel for my darling, it's the first valentine's day that I'm celebrating as a part of something that is so much more wonderful and beautiful than the sum of its parts. On the other, the guy i love is stuck on Pulau Tekong, far too far away from me. I miss him.
I guess it kind of sucks that we have to spend our first valentine's day together, apart. But that's life is it not? Sometimes it throws you things that you dont quite like.
Ahh, but gosh. i wish he were here.
missing you |
Not for the first time i wonder again why they have to isolate the recruits on some remote island. Okay, perhaps i do know the reason, but that does not mean that i like it in the least.
Ohh well. Nothing I can do about the situation anyway.
Baby, I love you. happy Valentine's Day. You're always on my mind. <3
Still missing you,
<3 Purpleandorangesheep