Hello all. I'm back again, after another rather long break. So, hi, how's everyone doing? Fine? Well lucky you. Me, I'm in a state of melancholy today. Yesterday, i saw my darling boyfriend off at Tekong for the start of his NS training. I'm so proud of him and it's so awesomely cool for him to be joining the army, but at the same time, i find myself missing him so damn much. Like a crazy amount. It's so weird because it's not like its the first time i dont get to speak to him for extended periods of time, i mean, we've both gone on holidays and whatnot, but this time... This time the ache in my heart at knowing that he's so far away from me has been multiplied tenfold. I really, really, really miss him. So, today we celebrate eight months of being together. Eight beautiful months, each one filled with its own individual ups and downs, but none of which i would trade for the world. So cheers baby, and here's to many many many more. Love you so much.
My darling and me. (:
So yeah, I'm pretty low right now. But hey, it's all going to be over soon right? haha. and till then, i'll just keep remembering how much i love him, and looking forward to the day when i get to see my baby again... and touch his shaved head. :P
Love you baby. If i haven't said it before, you're amazing, wonderful, beautiful, amazing, special... and i love you. how could i ever not? love you so, so so damn much. (: take care love, i miss you... we'll be together again soon. (: