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Just One More...
Monday, November 22, 2010 11:39 PM | 0 ♥ comments

"alright cambridge, you
got me, you win."
I cannot believe it, just one more day till i can taste sweet freedom all over again. It seems so near and yet so far all at the same time. Can it really be? Have i really completed this grueling and trying mental marathon otherwise known as the A levels? Well, not quite completed, but it really is the last lap, and a part of me cannot believe it. It seems like i have been trapped in this endless cycle of paper after paper, stressful night after stressful night, teary end after teary end, till now, I cannot believe that it is finally drawing to a close. I mean everyone thus far has been like, oh just endure it, this journey is a really difficult one that you have to take, you must follow this road down to the end blablabla. Yes. Thank you very much my dear friends, I didn't need constant reminders that i had no other option than to keep trying harder on this road that i really dont want to be on, though i do appreciate the encouragements very very much. Still, now with the end in sight, i really feel like just flopping down on the ground and going, alright cambridge, you got me. you win. 
I'm just kidding, there's no way i'm conceding defeat, not when i've already persevered for so bloody long. Heh. Moving on... 
Today, I attempted and completed the chemistry MCQ paper. Sure, it wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but at least i can say for a fact that i did my absolute best, and any marks that the paper managed to weasel out of me well, all i can say is, "well played cambridge, well played." So yes, believe it or not, i am satisfied with my performance today. It seems that ever since KI paper two was concluded, I started feeling this sense of serenity and peace that had been missing throughout my entire A level experience. If only that feeling had set in, oh i dont know, on the 9th instead. -_-" Ahh wells, better late than never right? And now, in my state of absolute zen, i anticipate my final and probably most demanding paper of this journey yet: The economics paper 2. dundundun... haha. Still, i am not filled with the same sense of dread that normally encumbers me before my papers. Instead, I feel this odd sense of peace. It's amazing and yet curious at the same time, but I sure as hell ain't complaining. 
You know the whole proverb thing: God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cant and the wisdom to know the difference? Yeah, the full meaning and significance of such a saying finally hit me today as i handed in my Personalized Answer Sheet. What's done is done, and there really isn't anything i can do about it. Sure, I can wish that i had the ability to go back in time, to tell myself not to be such a blur creature in my attempting of my papers, but it's never going to happen. We just do not have such an ability, so no sense in brooding about it right? It makes far more sense to keep looking forward and anticipating what future trials might come our way. 
So yes, with this optimistic spirit, I shall approach my final paper tomorrow, and when it's over, I suppose i can truly say that i have accomplished something, and well, be proud of myself for conquering a mountain I never imagined myself capable or surmounting. So until then, wish me the best of luck. I cannot wait for this ordeal to be over.
On to victory, yes? :D

Still breathing, heart full of anticipation.

<3 purpleandorangesheep

ps. I just realised i have this tendency to ramble a lot. oh well.

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