And here comes another string of emo. Be forewarned my pretties, this ain't going to be the most pleasent reading experience of your life. For real.
So, after many days of attempting to surpress the feeling of anxiety and angst that resulted from the horrendous paper 3, I approached today's chemistry paper 2 with some sort of anticipation, maybe even an inkling of hope. Misplaced hope it seems.
Paper 2 was an utter mess. It was horrendous. I believe I got the entire question 2 wrong. Ordinarily, that would not sound like much of a deal, but given the fact that the question was worth a grand total of 22 marks out of 72, it is. I had hoped to be able to make up the lost marks in paper 3 here in paper 2, in hopes that perhaps I would be able to drag myself out of a potential B, and attain instead an A, yet that was not to be. The paper was the weirdest thing I had ever done in my entire life. It was far from the conventional questions that i had previously practiced, and it was frightening. Utterly frightening i tell you. So here i stand, with just about no hope left within me, and my entire chemistry grade resting upon nothing else but my MCQ. Oh the horrors am i right?
Ahh, but who am I to complain. What will be will be no? All i can hope to do now is attempt some form of damage control.
totally feel like doing this |
It seems my blog is turning into some sort of emo hub or something. hmm.... this has to be rectified. And i'm sure it will be... in about a week's time, when A levels finally ends.
Gosh, i cannot wait for that to happen.
Till then, i'll just "dance in the rain", and keep on... well... breathing.
<3 purpleandorangesheep.