...Comes me. Hello all, i am back once again, after a crazy long hiatus, much to the disapprobation of my dear friend, Sherlyn. It seems that the fallacy, ad nauseum, while fallacious by nature, really does seem to work. Her repeated reminders to update my blog have finally sunk home and so, now, here i sit before my computer in the middle of a chilly Ministry office, right outside the directer's office at that, typing my thoughts into this box here. Clever and appropriate time no? I thought so too. Haha. But I digress, what i really meant to say in this, formally succinct, introductory paragraph was: Hello, I have returned from the shadows of oblivion, in what i hope will be a blaze of glory. Wow. I feel like gagging a little at the melodrama. Oh well, I guess it cannot be helped.
So, let me see. What excuse shall I give for my absence from the world of blogging since the previous post. Should i chalk it all up to the lack of time? What about to the lack of interesting events transpiring, thereby leaving me nothing to post? Neither I am afraid, as neither is true. Fact of the matter is, I am just plain lazy. And oddly proud of it too. At least I'm back now, that's all that matters right?
To recap briefly the events since the previous post, there was Prom Night, my trip to Phuket, my trip to Riders Lodge, and now, currently, my stint at MOE doing temp work. Yes, but enough of the boring stuff, surely in my long absence, something more intriguing must have happened.
Well, i guess one could say that. Some might know that I actually plan to complete a comic book over the course of the break between Junior College and University. While i have not progressed past a single page in terms of actual drawing, I do have a story line planned out in my head. Hopefully, it will come to fruition. Suffice to say, the story involves a girl who is colour blind. oooohhhh... I guess i shall reveal more details in due course.
Till then though, i suppose now, regrettably (or not) i ought to end this post, and quit wasting my time here at my job. Until next time then, my pretties!